• 达拉和比马在发现他们即将会有一个小宝宝之后,便准备将这件事瞒到毕业。因为一旦秘密暴露,他们就会遭受到来自各方的社会压力和期望。这部影片是高产编剧基纳特里·S·努尔的导演处女作,在这个加入了“怀孕”元素的非传统青春故事中,她巧妙地处理了老少两代人之间的代沟,并且展示了家的各种组成方式。
  • 由于学校员工的薪水被盗,一位勉为其难的新老师开始着手追回这笔钱,却很快发现了教书的乐趣。
  • 医怨

    Waking up after giving birth, Mayang gets the news unlike what she expects from Reza, her husband their first baby has died. Both of them are experiencing tremendous depression. Mayang can not accept it. Everyone at the hospital is sure that she is hallucinating. She contacts the police to look for a bright spot in this strange case. Dr. Vera who helped her give birth, provides evidence the document of her baby's death with several photographs of the incident. Mayang who chooses not to give up begins to be considered crazy by some people in the hospital, including her own husband. Moreover, she feels to be followed by a spirit.